Modern bedroom design: Nautical bedroom ideas, colors and patterns


Nautical bedroom considered to be thematic one. It’s not particular style, but mood you can give to any of them: Rustic, Classic, Minimalistic, etc. So, first think of basic style, then built nautical bedroom decorating ideas on it. Modern bedroom design for grownups usually includes less decorative elements, than one for kids. But it’s just standard view, everything depends on your individuality.

Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Nautical bedroom

Anyway, if boundless seas, picturesque shores and ships aesthetics bring you calmness, romantic mood Nautical bedroom is for you! Read our «Modern bedroom design: Nautical bedroom ideas, colors and patterns» article.

Nautical bedroom: Colors

Typical Nautical bedroom colors inspired by seascapes.

  • First association with such modern bedroom design is blue color dominance. It meets in any nuance: from light sky blue to navy, indigo, dark blue.

Blue-in-Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Nautical bedroom

  • Blues need ensemble hues! Light blue, white, grey – that combination organically included into Classic bedroom.
  • Seas could be so poor with blues only. Use white, sand, yellow, red, aquamarine, coral shades in your bedroom decorating ideas.

Colors-Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Nautical bedroom

  • Red meets also, as it’s often present on ships.
  • Pastel base allowed, but it makes joyful impression.

Pastel-Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Nautical bedroom-Bedroom decorating ideas

Bedroom decorating ideas: Nautical patterns

Nautical bedroom includes really win-win patterns for relaxing effect.

Take a look at our articles about:

  1. Bathroom Trends 2022
  2. Small Bathroom Trends 2022
  3. Design Trends 2022
  • Stripes often meet in Nautical style. Most accepted are blue-white ones, but it’s not only option. Stripes keep some flowing effect, bringing coziness and really Nautical atmosphere.

Stripes-Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Bedroom decorating ideas

  • Zigzags give more dynamics. Use them on textiles, furniture or accented wall.

Zigzag-Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Bedroom decorating ideas

  • Wavy patterns fully reflect our bedroom decorating ideas Flowing lines meet in furniture, frames design also.
  • Fishes, starfishes and other underwater world representatives make room brighter!

Fishes-Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Bedroom decorating ideas

Modern bedroom design: Nautical accessories

  • Stylish statues, inspired by underwater landscapes make Nautical bedroom even more atmospheric. Gather them into little art installation, if you like it.

Accessories-Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Modern bedroom design

  • Some typical beach accessories, plaited elements give endless holidays’ mood.
  • Bedroom decorating ideas should include ropes, helms, anchors.
  • Minimalistic pictures of seas’ inhabitants (real or phantastic) give dreamy atmosphere. Other option – funny toy octopuses and fishes, «living» right on bed.
  • Coral shaped lampshades stay popular.

Decor-Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Modern bedroom design

  • Make beautiful handmade items from seashells you’ve brought from last holidays.
  • Large soft bed can be considered as real decorating element! It brings comfort and main aesthetic accent.

Hopefully, our «Modern bedroom design: Nautical bedroom ideas, colors and patterns» article inspired you for creating that beautiful dreamy sea voyages atmosphere! Sweet dreams!

Nautical-bedroom-bedroom-decorating-ideas-modern-bedroom-design-Modern bedroom design

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Modern bedroom design: Nautical bedroom ideas, colors and patterns
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